People &
You can’t run a company without people, and you shouldn’t want to either. You can’t have a culture without people, nor should you want one. Ours is a company, made of people, rooted in a shared culture.
Everything revolves around the holy trinity: technology, culture and humans. At yondr, we try to keep these three in harmony.
To us, technology is always a means to an end. And our end is bridging the gap between brands and their customers, making them connect. While we don’t build tech for tech’s sake, boy, do we love to build it. Invent it. Improve it. AR, VR, 3D, gaming… It’s hard to express the excitement of all the new possibilities, technology and features coming our way. It almost feels as if someone is actually making the universe bigger, adding exciting new chunks to it, yet to be discovered and conquered. And conquer it we will.
Ours is a culture of seeming opposites. Autonomy and support. Remote, but close by. Freedom and guidance. Combining these opposites, melting away the binary paradigm that dominated the past, defines our way of working. Our culture is the sum of the people working here, and it changes the moment you are added to the equation. Because what defines a company other than its culture? It’s the materialisation of a dream, of a shared vision. Our vision is to build connections, to break down walls and to make damn sure the right stories are being told.
The material we build our vision from is high-end technology and our team of lovely humans. Their key feature? They love to work and love to do it here, at yondr. We pledge to do everything in our power to make it possible for our team to work at the top of their abilities. We give them all the chances they need, the training, the set-up, the colleagues, the moneys and the perks. And you? You can benefit from all that.
"It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are."
Passion for
the craft.
They say you’re the best at doing what you love. Sometimes they’re right. Finding passion in your job means you found that sweet spot where ambition and joy meet. It’s nice there, come join.
See the good,
do the good.
Luck can be as scarce as money, so if you have some to spare, please share. Fun fact; helping others doesn’t diminish your own happiness balance, au contraire! Giving a f*ck is the only gift that really keeps on giving. And please, don’t just do the good, but see the good, for your own good. Because it’s the thoughts you feed that grow largest.
Being heterogenous is both nineties and fragile. We embrace diversity, building an environment that, through it’s mixture of backgrounds, characters and opinions becomes more resilient than ever.
History is one big pile of mistakes, but look where it brought us. If you can’t fail you can’t grow. Own it, fix it, do better and find all the room to grow, here, yondr. To help you connect and be able to manifest yourself to the fullest, we organise discovery lunches, virtual tours, weekly team meetings, remote boot camps and annual offsites.
Under promise, over deliver and take pride in giving it your all. Ambition is never just for yourself but for the customer too. It’s a tit-for-tat kinda situation. Serve them well and they’ll return the favor.
Life without celebrations is like spaghetti without sauce. You can’t seriously like that. You can however find even the smallest victory a reason for celebration. We sure can and boy do we love spaghetti.
“If you love hard-working humans with an almost creepy passion for the job, you’re gonna love us.”
Build real connections.
If building connections is our core business, you could have guessed we foster them in-house, too. But just like we tell our customers: connection doesn’t require proximity, not if you have the power of stories and technology.
Open feedback culture.
Especially in these digital times, we believe in collaborative intelligence and collective wellbeing. We think together, we thrive together. That mantra requires an open feedback culture.
Together, apart.
We don’t expect our team to be here, physically. We do expect them to be here, fully. That goes for our clients too. Save that commuting energy for thinking and talking: a mantra mother earth would surely appreciate. Work and meet from home, wherever or whatever that may be, but always share yourself with the team..
Over yonder and Back Again.
It started off as your typical start-up story. Three guys in a bar. Working day and night. Piling up awards, big clients and firsts. Moving fast and breaking things. You know the drill. But over time, things got really interesting. With technology evolving and the world transforming, those same three guys grasped the potential impact of immersive technology in a world that is becoming increasingly complex and littered with obstacles.
Today Mathias, Pieter, Dave and their team have evolved way beyond the start-up story. They’ve become incontournable in the field of immersive technology and the art of storytelling. Connecting, building bridges, going beyond.
AR filters
360° / VR Video
Interactive VR
Mixed Reality
Virtual Productions
Virtual Worlds
Virtual Events
NFT Projects
Metaverse Consultancy
Metaverse Bootcamps
Interactive Venues
Immersive Events
Projection Mapping
Installation Design
Web-based Games
Identity + Positioning
3D Web Experiences
Visual Language + Art Direction
Design Production + Execution
Brand Storytelling
Brand Guidelines + Playbooks
Become part of a great team.
If you love to work and you’d love to do it here, yondr, you’re welcome.
Open application
Sometimes you don’t even know what you're missing. Let us know why that something is you.
Education is everything. We offer two types of internships, a traditional school-related one or an innovative studio for graduates wanting to spice up their CV.